Thursday, May 16, 2013

mata masih belum mahu terlelap, mungkin sebab terjaga after receiving a phone call..unknown number but it's familiar..puas fikir sapela yang call tepat 12.00 am ni, nak kata de hal kecemasan, im not the warden on duty, birthday pun lambat lagi. fikir punya fikir, suddenly a thought comes to me, Ya Allah..terus rasa nervous yang teramat, it's him, my little kiddo! what if...he gets caught bcoz of me, taking risk to use public phone an hour after the lights off just to wish me "happy teachers' day".. dalam hati hanya mampu berdoa moga Allah melindungi dia, tq for ur effort dear yet it's melanggar our school rules, i hope u'll be on ur bed now n tomorrow when u wake up, u'll be a better person..p/s: please grow up and be somebody, prove to them that u can do it! 'future ustaz' :)

dan mungkin juga sebab da messgae i got not long after that phone call, i guess not from sesta as they couldn't bring phone to da school, so it's from my sweetie, a form4 student three years back...

selamat hari guru...semoga teacher diberi kekuatan dan kesihatan untuk terus mendidik..teacher tq atas ajaran serta didikan yang teacher berikan kepada saya..saya sayang teacher..saya tak akan pernah lupa teacher..semoga Allah sentiasa bersama dan menjaga teacher selalu..Miss u teacher..

im touched by da words, mungkin for those yang tak bergelar guru, ayat ni bunyinya biasa2 saja, tapi trust me, it'll sound different to da heart of da tcer :) tq so much dear, luv n miss u 2 (^__^)  (or mungkin effect baca kisah adik aqil hamzah tadi jadi makin sensitif, takziah to him, al-fatihah)
p/s: luv the phrase semoga teacher diberi kekuatan dan kesihatan untuk terus mendidik, i need that dear, please keep praying for me kerana....mendidik tidak lagi mudah~ SELAMAT HARI GURU SEMUA (^_~)v

tcers' day gift in advance; given by my form1 kiddo while i was marking papers yesterday's morning, he made this on da spot in class, mungkin sian tengok teachernya pening tanda essay, sweet of u dear, thanks for being so thoughful ^_^

##SEMOGA ALLAH SUDI BERSAMA DAN MENJAGAKU SELALU, hingga hujung nyawa........... :'(

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