salam alaik...
alhamdulillah saiyyidul ayyam datang lagi, hari yang mulia buat seluruh umat Islam tapi the most important thing is JUMAAT menunjukkan azie tak yah gi sekola,hee..sangat seronok (^-^)..
Oops, pembetulan di sini, bukan azie tak suka ke sekola and mengajau students, they are soooo adorable (^-^).. but sometimes bila da selalu sangat kita akan rasa kita perlukan masa tuk diri kita sendiri juga kan? duk rumah tanpa jumpa students and buku-buku yang bertimbun tuk ditanda..tak pun gi pantai amik angin sambil mensyukuri segala nikmat yang Allah beri pada azie selama 23 tahun ni..waaa..bestnya..
Urm,bila cakap pasal students ni, masa da makin suntuk tuk azie spend time ngan students di SMKBP yang semakin dekat di hati ni..sedih pulak rasa nak tinggal students kelas 4 Gamma..luv to see their faces when we were together, those sweet and innocent looks made me smile a lots..I'll miss them...............
Dalam tempoh 2 bulan lebih berpraktikum ni, azie realizes yang teka teki or riddles adalah ubat paling mujarab tuk hilangkan segala ke'bising'an and build a good rapport between me and students especially dalam kelas relief..huu, terpaksa jadi gila2 sikit tuk jawab teka teki yang depa bagi kat azie ;-p..students sangat excited ngan aktiviti menteka teki ni..yang bising-bising pun boleh jadi senyap and focus pada kita sambil dahi n kening berkerut-kerut fikir jawapan, haha..bila loceng abis masa bunyik ja, diorang cakap, "ala teacher, we want more" o(0_0)o
okay la, pada entry kali ni, azie sertakan beberapa teka-teki yang 'mungkin' bermanfaat tuk digunakan tuk sesapa saja tak pun tuk diri sendiri..before that, sebab azie mengajau english so teka teki ni in english gak, berteka-teki sambil belajau english; english is fun! (^-^)
okay la, pada entry kali ni, azie sertakan beberapa teka-teki yang 'mungkin' bermanfaat tuk digunakan tuk sesapa saja tak pun tuk diri sendiri..before that, sebab azie mengajau english so teka teki ni in english gak, berteka-teki sambil belajau english; english is fun! (^-^)
1. what do u lose everytime u stand up?
2. what occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment, but not at all in a split second?
3. what do u look into everyday?
4. what should u always try to keep, since nobody else really wants it?
5. what always come at the end of everything?
6. what stays hot longest in the fridge?
7. what gets wetter the more it dries?
8. what can u break without hitting or dropping?
9. what does a girl need for brushing her teeth, combing her hair, and keeping the rain off?
10. what is it that no one wishes to have, but no one wishes to lose?
11. what is always coming but never really arrives?
12. what is it that's put on the table, cut and passed but never eaten?
13. what is it taht u can't hold for half an hour, even though it's lighter than a feather?
14. what is full of holes, but still holds water?
15. what is the one thing u break when u name it?
16. what always weighs the same, whatever its size?
17. which letter of alphabet is always waiting?
18. what can't be used until it's broken?
19. what begins with T, ends with T and has T in it?
20. which letter of the alphabet has got lots of water?
**selamat mencuba~
azie, nak jawapan dia bley x..
ReplyDeletesusah mey nk pikiaq..haha
tp menarik2 ar soalan2 nie..;)
no.20 = h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o (h20-water)...btoi x?
ReplyDelete-pakurO- (lama dok pikiaq, rasa mcm btoi ja kami teka ni..hahahaa)
aboh, sory br reply, x sempat nak jwb..hee..jawapan no.20 = c (sea).. len2 jwpn t kmi bg lg kt skul, gna komp.blk guru, segan,huu..
ReplyDeletebah, ni jwpn tuk smua riddles kat atas nih...
4.your temper
5.g dog
10.a bold head
12.playing card
thanks azie..=)